Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Hi, this is my latest update. In this post, I will write a short review of a book that I recently read, The Five People you Meet in Heaven, written by Mitch Albom. I decided to pick this book up based upon several good reviews I've read about it and they were all correct; The Five People You Meet in Heaven is an enjoyable, hard to put down book. At only 196 pages, Five People is a short but inspiring trip. Five People tells the story of Eddie, the head handyman of a seaside amusement park, who dies saving a young girl on his 83rd birthday. Five people is written with the premise that when we all die, we will meet five people in heaven who give us the meaning of our life. During his 83 years on earth, Eddie believes fate has dealt him a life which has proved to be meaningless. Once he dies, Eddie meets five people, some he Knew and others he never met in life. From these five people, Eddie learns how important his life was, and how much of an impact he had upon others, some that he never met before going to heaven. I really enjoyed reading about Eddie and can relate to his feelings of uselessness and of living a life of potential unfulfilled. Often I feel like a failure for not finishing college yet and not making the most of the gifts that God has blessed me with. Sometimes I really feel as though I'm just drifting through life living day to day. However, Eddie's experiences gives me hope that if I never accomplish the goals that I feel I should meet in life that my life will not have been wasted; we all make an impact upon others - even if we don't see it now - sometimes providing others with the inspiration to achieve their goals. Once again, I highly recommend this bookie quickly finished reading it in one sitting. The next book that I'm going to read will probably be the polar opposite of this book - The Cell by Stephen King. Be on the lookout for another book review in the very near future. Bye for now!!!


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